
Magazine Advertising

Racing Pigeon Digest offers magzine advertising in 18 publications per year.


Cher Ami is one of the most famous military homing pigeons.
This pigeon survived shrapnel injuries to deliver the message to saved the "Lost Battalion."
Homing pigeons were used in both WW I and WW II as vital communication links.


Advertise in Racing Pigeon Digest

Choose from a full page, half page, or quarter page ad in color or black and white. We publish 18 issues a year and feature the "Breeders Edition" twice a year. Advertising rates in the special edition are slightly higher.

You have the option to run a single ad, but are elligible for discount pricing when you run your advertisment in multiple issues in the same calendar year. Graphic design costs are extra.

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Additional Options

Adverstise in our classified section of the magazine, called "The Shopper's Market," and you can pruchase ads based on the number of words or issues. Space is also available on our website.

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